Shaman Sessions

In this video, Dani explains how Sessions work

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This work is very powerful.

A Shaman Session will help you understand yourself, and others. We always begin by talking about what your intention is for the session. What thoughts and emotions you feel may be stuck in your body and mind, because that negative energy can severely impact your life. I will guide you through doors and dimensions connecting you to the answers you seek, and to the wisdom of your soul.

Shaman Dani speaks to a client after their session

"I help you see
what you couldn’t see before
so you may have what you may
never have dreamed of!"

What to Expect

Are you feeling lost or stuck in life?

Do you want to unlock the secrets of your past, present, and future? Look no further! Our session begins with a conversation to understand your intentions, followed by clearing your thoughts, emotions, chakras, and energy field of past pain. Together, we will journey to discover the answers that will align your energy with your sacred destiny.

During the session:

You will experience a beautiful journey through doors and dimensions, gaining tools, insights, awareness, and answers to understand each moment of life, others, yourself, and understand how to create what you want. You will feel different, empowered, and ready to face life's challenges with a renewed sense of purpose.


We will process the session together, putting the puzzle pieces of your journey together. You will also receive an email transcript of your experience, including the words you said and the answers you found, so you can continue to work with the insights gained. Don't wait to unlock your sacred destiny- Book your session now!

Shaman Dani clearing the energy of her client with the drum

"It is a gift to be able to access
the information that you are looking for
by connecting you to the wisdom of your soul."

Answers to Discover

As a shaman, you are guided to places to help you find answers to your life

  • answers that lie beyond the mind
  • answers that some may have been looking for a long time
  • answers about your relationships and how to improve them or even how to find one
  • answers on how to create something different
  • answers to healing by understanding what your body is telling you
  • answers to understand yourself and others differently
  • answers to know your purpose
    or how to handle what is coming next in your life
Dani holding tibetan bowl.

"When what you have tried
is no longer working,
there may come a time
to take a new path
that leads you to the answers
you are looking for…"

Areas of Healing

  • Breathwork
  • Soundhealing
  • Card Reading
  • Dream interpretation
  • Cleansing your energy field, your chakras, thoughts and emotions (yours and others)

Opening doors where you discover the answers to your life through:

  • Past Life
  • Destiny Retrieval
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Power animal
  • Generational Healing
  • Spirit Releasement
  • and so much more!

Individual Sessions with Shaman Dani:

In Person Session:
60 min – $245
90 min – $295*

Video Session:

60 min – $200
90 min – $245*

60 minute Shaman Session includes:
  • We begin with a short conversation on what intentions you want to accomplish during your session.
  • Together we then clear your thoughts and emotions, and the thoughts and emotions of others that get stuck in your chakras and energy field.
  • Once we clear your energy, you will be guided to healing your past, present and future so your energy is aligned with your sacred destiny.
  • Lastly, and the most beautiful experience, is when you journey through doors and dimensions to discover answers to your life.
  • You will feel different; have tools; insight; awareness and answers to continue to use your experience to understand each moment of life, others, yourself and how to create what you want.
  • Afterwards, we will discuss what you learned.
  • I will also send you an email of your experience on what you discovered, the words you said, and the answers you found so you have a transcript to continue to work with.
90 minute Shaman Session includes:
  • All the clearing, healing and journeying into other dimensions as described in the 60 minute shaman sessions.

    * Plus:

  • A shaman card reading so you can understand your life through the eyes of the shaman wisdom
  • After your session, you will experience a process to get your mind on board with what just happened so you know how to apply the healing and answers into your life.


In most cases, the calendar for all Offerings and Experiences are booked out at least 2 weeks.

If you are looking for a particular date, please try and contact me in advance

so I can make sure you get the date you are looking for.